June 19th - August 1st, 2020
I will be having a one person show at the NORTHEAST ARTISANS’ GUILD - BACK ROOM GALLERY in Saint Johnsbury Vermont. Over 30 portraits and pictures of people will be on view. It is an interactive show. The viewers will be invited to record their thoughts about what the people in the paintings may have been thinking.
When I began painting, I worked my way through a lot of subject material, but was quickly drawn to people. I love to paint people, whether from a live model, from a photo reference or from my imagination. With a particular interest in human emotion, I spend a lot of time making pictures of these people and wondering who they are and what they are thinking. I always make up my own stories about them, that may be far afield from who they really are.. But once, I start to paint them, they enter my reality and I can turn them into who ever I want them to be.
I wonder what others see when they look at my paintings. What of their own realities do the viewers bring to the painting? So after looking at these pictures and getting to know the people in them, let me know what you think they were thinking.
MAY 29TH - JUNE 30, 2019
Be sure to see this show at Studio Place Arts in Barre, Vt. My painting “Blood Brothers” Can be seen there.
Details, below.
Blood Brothers
36”x52” - oil on canvas
My show “FELLOW TRAVELERS” will be at the Vermont Supreme Court Gallery from January 3 - March 28 2019. Opening reception January 3 from 4 - 7 pm. Art walk February 1, 4 - 7 pm. Vermont State Supreme Court Building, 111 State St. Montpelier, Vt.
Contact: David Schutz, Vermont State Curator
2 Governor Aiken Ave., Montpelier, VT 05633
802-279-5558, Email: david.schutz@vermont.gov
Fellow Travelers showcases powerful large-scale oil paintings with narratives that reach deep into the human condition and their environments. Young is a great observer of relationships between people, places, and spaces. The artist, through observation, and social integration puts forth allegorical imagery that makes you think and question what REALLY is going on here?
Mostly self-taught, in 2001 Young began her journey into oil painting, influenced by her extraordinary teachers Max Ginsburg and Dominique Medici and inspired by the works of Dutch masters and impressionists artists. Truly, you can see how she discovered her creative direction.
Young quotes– “We are fellow travelers. We move about in space. We journey through a lifetime of emotion, only to find in the end, that it is not the goal that matters, it is the striving.”
About: Ann Young was born in Chicago and raised in Illinois and Nebraska but has lived all of her adult life in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. She dabbled in the “back to the land” movement and raised a family and has always been interested in representational art. From her first paying job illustrating the varmints of the Nebraska plains through her stint as an illustrator for The Center For Northern Studies in Wolcott, VT, to her pseudo abstract closeups of pond vegetation and of sea life found on beaches, she has looked to nature for inspiration. She received a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design which sidetracked her into ceramics and sculpture. She spent years in a fruitful career making miniature porcelain animal and human figures for the wholesale craft market. She taught ceramics at Lyndon State college and in the public schools. An interest in large wooden sculpture occupied several years culminating in large scale gallery installations.
In 2001 she began to devote herself to the exquisite hues and textures which oil painting on canvas allows. It was with studies of people in portraiture and in social interaction that she chose to explore these possibilities and has since devoted almost all of her efforts to painting her fellow travelers.
August - September 2018
A group of my paintings from the series "Autumn Pond Abstract" will be on display at
Bread and Butter Café - 139 Eastern Ave, St Johnsbury, Vt.
For Release: Immediate
ST JOHNSBURY—Catamount Arts is pleased to present Ann Young: Autumn Pond Abstract, an exhibition of 39 abstract paintings based on the artist’s observation of the natural world, on view in the Catamount Arts Annex Gallery at the Bread and Butter Café in St. Johnsbury from August 25-November 24, 2018.
Young’s exuberantly colored abstract paintings are enlarged, magnified images of common water plants found floating on the surface of May Pond near her home in Barton, Vermont—an artistic celebration of natural color and form. Paddling her kayak she can see “all of the things that one expects to enjoy on a lovely autumn day. There are the hills, brilliant in their fall colors, the sparkling sky, a loon or maybe two.” But at the shallow end, when the kayak can go no further, Young rejoices in her discovery of Water Shields (Brasenia scherberi). These small aquatic plants can be found in northern ponds and still waters throughout the world, but here in Vermont in September and October, they put forth a vivid array of autumn color.
“The leaves are riddled with the trails of leaf miners and spots of decay, “ Young writes, which “makes for a stunning array of color and pattern. As I paddle among them, I am dazzled and completely absorbed by the beauty to be found in an unlikely place in an unassuming little plant.” Contemplating every square inch of the surface as a study in abstract pattern and color, Young wondered "who needs art," before realizing that she was the one who needed art as a means “of conveying to other people what I have seen and rejoice in.”
Ann Young is an artist who paints in a variety of styles, but always with plenty of color. A 1969 graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, Young has taught at Lyndon State College and at the Vermont Clay Center, as well as presented workshops as part of the Vermont Artists in the Public Schools Program. She has exhibited widely—primarily at Soho20 Gallery in New York City, as well as at numerous venues Vermont, including Catamount Arts, St. Johnsbury; the Fleming Museum, Burlington; the Helen Day Arts Center, Stowe; River Arts in Morrisville; Tamarack Gallery, East Craftsbury; T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier; Westbranch Gallery, Stowe; and Whitewater Gallery, East Hardwick. For more information on the artist and her work, see https://www.ann-young.com/about/.
ABOUT CATAMOUNT ARTS: As northern New England’s largest independent arts center, Catamount Arts hosts a diversified program in film, music, theater, dance, and art. Founded in 1975, it began as a traveling 16 mm film series for rural Vermonters. Today the organization operates out of a newly renovated facility, presenting screenings of world-class film; live simulcasts of the Metropolitan Opera, the Bolshoi Ballet, and London’s National Theatre; and performances by such nationally recognized touring artists as Grammy nominee Neko Case, and talented local performers.
Catamount Arts is located at 115 Eastern Avenue in downtown St. Johnsbury, Vermont. The Catamount Arts Gallery is adjacent to two cinema-screening rooms, and will normally be open every day from 1 pm until 9:30 pm. For more information, call (802) 748-2600 or visit www.catamountarts.org.
June 24 - August 31 2018
T W Wood Gallery Juried Show
Annual juried show features my painting - "Home Front"
Gallery hours - Tuesday - Saturday - 12 - 4pm
46 Barre St, Montpelier, Vt
July - August 2018
Albany Town Library, Albany, Vermont
A selection of my portrait paintings are on display at the Albany Town Library.
Library hours - Tuesday 12 - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 11am
1-30 - 3-17-2018
Studio Place Arts Group Show "Golden"
A Group exhibit with work in a variety of media exploring the many aspects of aging
My painting "The Gift" will be exhibited in this show.
Opening reception - Feb 3rd - 3-5PM
201 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont, 05641
12-1-17 - 12-30-17
Helen Day Art Center Members Show
Two of my paintings "After Rush Hour" and "The Accordion" will be in this show.
Helen Day Art Center
90 Pond Street, Stowe, VT 05672
12-2-17 - 2-16-18
My painting "Legacy" will be exhibited in the Catamount Arts annual juried show
curated by John R. Stromberg, Hood Museum of Art
Catamount Arts
115 Eastern Ave, St Johnsbury, VT 05819