oil on canvas - 36"x36" - 2023
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2022
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2021
$5000.00 sold
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2021
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2023
$5000.00 - sold
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2020
$5000.00 -
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2022
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2022
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2022
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2022
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2022
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2021
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2023
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36"x36"
available - $5000.00
oil on canvas - 36"x36"
available - $5000.00
oil on canvas - 36"x36"
available - $5000.00
oil on canvas - 36"x36"
available - $5000..00
oil on canvas - 36"x36"
available - $5000.00
oil on canvas - 12”x12” - 2020
$700.00 - available
oil on canvas - 12”x12” - 2020
$700.00 - available
oil on canvas - 30”x24” - 2021
oil on canvas - 20”x16” - 2020
$900.00 - available
oil on canvas - 14”x11” - 2020
$700.00 - sold
oil on canvas - 14”x11” - 2020
$700.00 - available
oil on canvas - 14”x11” - 2020
$700.00 - available
oil on canvas panel - 14”x11” - 2020
$700.00 - available
oil on canvas panel - 14”x11” - 2020
$700.00 - available
oil on canvas - 24”x34” - 2022
$6000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 30”x40” - 2019
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2023
$5000.00 - sold
oil on canvas - 30”x40” - 2022
$4000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x36” - 2023
$5000.00 - available
42”x34” - oil on canvas - 2022
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas 42"x34"
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 54”x38” - 2018
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas 24"x26"
$3000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 26”x22” - 2018
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas 42"x34"
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36”x52” - 2018
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36"x52"
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 42”x75” - 2018
$8000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36"x36"
available - $5000.00
oil on canvas - 30”x24” - 2020
$3000.00 - sold
oil on canvas - 48”x36” - 2021
$6000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 22”x28” - 2021
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 24”x30” - 2021
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 40”x60” - 2020
$6000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 30”x24” - 2021
$3000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 42”x34” - 2020
$3500.00 - sold
oil on canvas - 30”x40”
$3000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 30”x40” - 2020
$3000.00 - sold
oil on canvas - 30”x40” - 2019
$3000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 22z’x28” - 2019
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 42”x36” - 2019
$3500.00 - available
oil on canvas - 30”x24” - 2019
oil on canvas - 30”x40” - 2019
$3000.00 - available
oil on canvas 34"x42"
$5000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 24"x30"
$2000.00 - sold
oil on canvas - 24"x24"
available - $1000.00
oil on canvas - 24"x24"
available - $1000.00
oil on canvas - 24"x24"
available - $1000.00
oil on canvas - 24"x24"
available - $1000.00
oil on canvas - 24"x24"
available - $1000.00
oil on canvas - 24"x24"
available - $1000.00
oil on canvas - 24"x24"
available - $1000.00
oil on canvas - 24"x24"
available - $1000.00
Although I am an infrequent visitor to New York City, I love it there. Perhaps because it is so different in every way from the quiet, rural landscape in which I live. When I am there, I stay just a block away from the F train, Seventh Avenue stop in Brooklyn. The train takes me into Manhattan, my most frequent destination, or to connect with the seemingly endless network of the MTA trains. I can go anywhere for a couple of dollars.
Descending the gloomy stair cases, on the platforms and in the cars are so many people - each one intent upon his or her own private affairs and isolated from the crowd by a few feet or perhaps by no space at all as they jam themselves into the overcrowded cars. They are busy. They are tired. Some of them are talking. Most of them are completely self contained, sleeping, reading, checking their phones or just looking around, as I do.
The spaces themselves fascinate me as well. There is a lyrical geometry in the vertical supporting columns and the gleaming tracks emerging from the black tunnels, cutting a path through the brilliantly lit stations and disappearing again on the other side. Sometimes the train comes above ground and briefly soars above the city. The light there dazzles for a moment before it disappears as the train plunges back under ground. The people, the noise, the spaces - these are what keep drawing me back to this subject matter. I will be going there again soon. I will take more photos of the spaces and of the people, then come back to rearrange them all to fit into my own image of the world.
oil on canvas - 30”x40” - 2021
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 30”x40” - 2021
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 30”x24” - 2020
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas 24"x36"
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas 24"x36"
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas 24"x36"
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 24”x20” - 2017
$1600.00 - available
oi on canvas - 30”x36” - 2018
$2000.00 - sold
oil on canvas - 34”x30” - 2018
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas 30"x36"
$2000.00 - available
oil on canvas 22"x26"
$1600.00 - available
When I go out paddling on May Pond, I see all of the things that one expects to enjoy on a lovely autumn day in Vermont. There are the hills, brilliant in their fall colors, the sparkling sky, a loon or maybe two. At the very shallow end of the pond the depth diminishes and eventually the muddy bottom comes up to the surface and the kayak can go no further. It is here that I find the Water Shield plants (Brasenia scherberi). In September and October these tiny floating leaves put on their autumn colors. The leaves are riddled with the trails of leaf miners and spots of decay. All of this makes for a stunning array of color and pattern. As I paddle among them, I am dazzled and completely absorbed by the beauty to be found in an unlikely place in an unassuming little plant. And I think to myself - with every square inch of the surface a study in abstract pattern and color, "who needs art, anyway?" - Then I finally realized that it is I who need art. I need it so that I can have some means of conveying to other people what I have seen and rejoice in.
These paintings are the reflection of that joy in natural color and form. I feel that my paint brush has been recruited into the service of a common, little water plant.
I have made so many of these paintings in 6", 20" and 36" squares, that instead of titling them, I have numbered them.
oil on canvas - 20"x20"
$900.00 - available
oil on canvas 36"x36"
$3000.00 - available
oil on canvas 36"x36"
$3000.00 - available
oil on canvas 20"x20"
$900.00 - available
oil on canvas 20"x20'
$900.00 - sold
oil on canvas 20"x20'
$900.00 - available
oil on canvas 20"x20"
$900.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36"x36"
$3000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 36"x36"
$3000.00 - available
oil on canvas - 6”x6” - 2015
$250.00 - available
oil on canvas - 6”x6” - 2015
$250.00 - available
oil on canvas - 6”x6” - 2015
$250.00 - available
oil on canvas - 6”x6” - 2015
$250.00 - available
oil on canvas - 6”x6” - 2015
$250.00 - available
oil on linen - 6"x6"
$250.00 - available
I call this series “Resurrection” because all of these paintings are images of decaying vegetation. New life has the opportunity to thrive when old life releases its vital elements back into the soil. Each of these canvased is small - only six inches square, but the images on them are greatly enlarged.
I have made so many of these little canvases, that I have simply numbered them, instead of titling each one.
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
$250.00 - sold
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013
oil on canvas - 6"x6" - 2013